Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sharing what I've got

I feel like not many people read this or maybe they don't even know it exists. That's really OK with me, I don't mind if people do or do not read.

I feel overwhelmed with things right now. Not always, though. It's hard to explain but I only feel overwhelmed about things for a couple of minutes and then I figure out solutions to everything I worry about in my head, and then I am relaxed again. This is an all day sort of thing and I don't really know what to make of it. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing or a good thing ..it's just a thing.

This past weekend was wonderful and exciting, this coming weekend I don't believe anything is going on. I could be completely wrong but I'm not sure. The weekend after that will be wonderful. Kacie is coming and I think we have a show to play. I love playing music. I'll miss this band when I move to Florida.

Speaking of Florida; Kacie and I are flying there (tentatively) at the end of June. That's going to be exciting. I think she'll really like my family and I think they'll really like her.

I wish I had something really cool to post about the things I've been doing or something about myself or that I've done something really productive or magical or amazing, but I don't. I'm just living and having fun for the most part. I guess that's pretty amazing these days, to just live and have fun. I feel like I should be doing more than that.

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